
EBCIC: Exact Binomial Confidence Interval Calculator

Project maintained by KazKobara Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

How to use EBCIC in MATLAB

The following was verified at

MATLAB R2021a (64-bit (win64))
Python 3.8.10 (Windows installer (64-bit))
ebcic 0.0.1
Widows 10 (64-bit 20H2)

Installation of Python to be used from MATLAB

  1. Download and install Python Windows installer (XX-bit) from the official page:
    • XX shall be the same as that of MATLAB, which can be checked by any of the followings:
      • “[Help]->[About MATLAB]” on a MATLAB desktop menu.
      • Type computer or mexext on a MATLAB command prompt.
    • Python (3.8.10 at least) from Microsoft Store could not be used from MATLAB presumably due to the Known Issues.

Installation of ebcic package to the installed Python

  1. Check the absolute path to the install python.exe on a windows terminal, such as PowerShell and Command Prompt:

     where python.exe
  2. Install ebcic package with:

     <the_full_path_to_python>\python.exe -m pip install ebcic

    where <the_full_path_to_python> is like C:\Users\<your_account_name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38 and <your_account_name> is your login name to Windows.

Setting in MATLAB

  1. Set the python version to use on MATLAB according to MathWorks’ page.

     pe=pyenv("Version", '3.8')
    • If Python other than ‘Windows installer’ is installed, tell MATLAB the full path (absolute path) to the installed python.exe with:

        pyenv("Version", "<the_full_path_to_python>\python.exe")
    • Even with this pyenv() command, Python (3.8.10 at least) from Microsoft Store could not be used from MATLAB.

  2. If the following returns blank or ans = "", the installed Python is not usable from MATLAB, and try another Python installation.


How to use EBCIC from MATLAB

  1. Open ebcic_in_matlab.m as a ‘live script’ with MATLAB Live Editor.
  2. Edit and run the sections you want to execute.
  3. (To commit, save it as a MATLAB code (*.m) file, and then commit *.m file to git since Live Code File Format (*.mlx) is not git friendly. :-))


Obtain intervals as a matlab cell and variables

confidence_interval=cell(py.ebcic.exact(py.ebcic.Params(pyargs( ...
    'k',1,                  ...% # of errors
    'n',100,                ...% # of trials
    'confi_perc',confi_perc ...% Confidence percentage:
      ...%   for two-sided of 0<k<n where 0 < confi_perc < 100, or
      ...%   for one-sided of k=0 or k=n.
      ...% NOTE
      ...%   For one-sided of 0<k<n,
      ...%     set confi_perc=(2 * confi_perc_for_one_sided - 100)
      ...%     where 50 < confi_perc_for_one_sided < 100.

% As variables.


lower_interval = 5.0124e-05
upper_interval = 0.0720

Depict graphs

To depict graphs in this page, edit the parameters below. The following example corresponds with “Exact intervals and the line of k/n for k=1” where members of the ‘confi_perc_list’ are reduced (due to the following bug on ‘the legend outside of the graph area’.).

py.ebcic.interval_graph(py.ebcic.GraProps(pyargs( ...
    ...% Set the range of k to depict with k_*
    'k_start',int32(1), ...
    'k_end',  int32(1), ...
    ...% Edit the list of confidence percentages to depict, [confi_perc, ...],
    ...%   for two-sided of 0<k<n where 0 < confi_perc < 100, or
    ...%   for one-sided of k=0 or k=n.
    ...% NOTE For one-sided of 0<k<n, set 
    ...%   confi_perc=(2 * confi_perc_for_one_sided - 100)
    ...%   where 50 < confi_perc_for_one_sided < 100
    ...%   (though both lower and upper intervals are shown).
    'confi_perc_list',[95.0, 99.0], ...
    ...% Add or remove lines to depict.
    'line_list',[ ...
        'with_line_kn',        ...% Line of k/n
        'with_exact',          ...% Exact interval
        ...% 'with_wilson_cc', ...% Wilson score interval with continuity correction
        ...% 'with_wilson',    ...% Wilson score interval;         not available for k=0
        ...% 'with_normal',    ...% Normal approximation interval; not available for k=0
        ...% 'with_rule_of_la',...% Rule of -ln(alpha);           available only for k=0
        ] ...


Known bug